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Sunday 30 December 2012

Are ghosts and evil spirits a reality?

 Every race or religion has some degree of faith in the existence of ghosts and evil spirits. Quite frequently, newspapers publish stories throwing light on the existence of ghosts and evil spirits. Some people claim to have even seen them.

    According to the Hindu religion-they are a separate species. After death, man may become a ghost or evil spirit depending upon the quanlity of his deeds in this world. They have no specific form, but they can assume any form. They are not visible to the eyes. They can become visible or invisible anywhere. It is believed that generally they live in the ruins of buildings, burial places, ponds, deserted wells, solitary places and on peepal, banyan trees etc.
    In many races some rituals are performed after the death of a man or woman with a view to ensure that the ghost of the dead does not harass the living ones.
    But the scientists have a different view in this matter. They treat their existence as a figment of imagination. According to scientific facts, this is either an illusion or hallucination of the mind and eyes. In illusion, something does exist, but our mind and eyes take it to be something else. Mirage in a desert is an example of illusion. The thirsty deer sees water pools some distance away in front of it-it tries to reach the water to quench its thirst. But the water seems to recede further away. The deer gets lost and dies. This illusion of fwater in the desert is caused by total internal reflection of light. As a matter of fact, water does not exist there, but due to the total internal reflection of light, the inverted images of trees and plants give an impression of water.
    In hallucination, nothing exists in reality. This is caused by some anxiety or tension in the mind. Some intoxication medicines also cause hallucination. In hallucination, man hears different voices, sees peculiar creatures and sometimes he sees frightening, gigantic faces whom he considers to be ghosts. Under the influence of cocaine, one feels as if some insects are crawling on the skin.
    Scientists have, therefore, concluded that ghosts are an illusion or hallucination of the mind. They don't have a real existence.


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