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Friday 15 March 2013

How do we get wool from the sheep?

We wear warm clothes during the winter. These clothes are made of wool. We get wool from the sheep. Hair grow on the body of the sheep as they do on our head. This hair of the sheep is called wool. The wool protects the sheep from cold in winter. Do you know how wool is obtained from the sheep?

The hair of a sheep are cut once in a year. When the winter is about to end and the summer is round the corner, the sheep does not require hair. At that time only, the hair of the sheep are clipped by large scissors. The hair so clipped contain thorns, dirt and vegetable oils. To clean it, the hair are made into balls and tied with wool twine. Now, this wool is cleaned. Thereafter, the wool is combed to straighten out the curls. Next it is spun into yarn. The wool yarn is then made into cloth by weaving or knitting.
Nobody knows when man first tamed the sheep. But records reveal that the primitive man had domesticated sheep for both wool and meat. After the passage of centuries, man has now been able to breed many varieties of the sheep. Some of them are valuable for their wool and others for their meat. A species of sheep named 'Merino', found in Spain and Africa is highly productive in wool. Its whole body except legs and nose is covered with hair. Now Merino sheep are found in the United States of America and Australia also which produce large quantities of superior wool. Wool obtained from Merino sheep is very warm.
Today, Australia is the biggest producer of wool in the world. Thirty percent of world's wool is obtained from Australia alone. The United States of America ranks next to Australia. The U.S. produces 300 million pounds of wool every year.


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