Sample Text

Wednesday 13 March 2013

How is dew formed?

In the early hours of morning you might have seen small drops of water on grass, plants and trees shining like pearls in the sun's rays. These water-drops are called dew. Quite often people think that dew drops, like rain water, fall on the earth from sky during night but this is not true.

Dew drops are formed due to condensation of water vapours. Air around us contains water vapours which we call moisture or humidity. Hot air contains more moisture as compared to cold air. During the night when the hot air comes into contact with some cold surface, water vapour present in it condenses on the cold surface in the form of droplets. These tiny drops of water are called dew drops. The process of dew formation can be seen in a simple experiment. Take a tumbler and place it on a table. Now put some ice or ice-cooled water inside the tumbler. You will notice that after some time on the outer surface of the tumbler small drops of water have appeared. These water drops are formed by the condensation of the water vapours present in the air. Exactly in the same way when the trees, plants and grass become cold during night, the water vapours of the air condense on them in the form of dew.
The dew formation is more when the sky is clear and less when it is cloudy. This is so, because there is more evaporation of water when the sky is clear and the trees and plants are also colder during night thus the dew formation is more. But when it is cloudy, trees and plants do not become cold in the night and hence there is less dew formation. As the sun rises high in the sky, these dew evaporate into air.


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