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Sunday 30 December 2012

What is plastic surgery?

    Plastic surgery is a surgical operation which is conducted to correct physical deformities in skin whether congenital or sustained in some accidents. This is done to remove the ugly spots from the face. The ugliness of the skin arising out of burns, cuts or small-pox can be removed by plastic surgery.
Sometimes you must have noticed that the upper lip of a child is slit since birth. With the help of plastic surgery the soit portions of the lips can be so nicely joined that you will not be able to detect the deformity. In the picture shown above you can see a child with his upper lip cut since birth, but it has become normal after plastic surgery.
    Plastic surgery done for beautification is called cosmetic surgery or beauty surgery. With its help the scars caused by small-pox or the wrinkles on the face can be removed. The shape of the breasts can be modified according to one's wish. This is also used for reducing the thickness of the eyelids and the lips. The shape of the chin and the nose can also be corrected by plastic surgery.
This type of surgery was also practised in india thousand of years ago.In ancient times,a criminal's nose used to be chopped off as punishment.In those times,there were plastic surgeons who would form new nose by grafting skin from the cheeks.The modern plastic surgery was started in America in nineteenth century.
Do you know how the plastic surgery is performed?For plastic surgery skin of the surgery size is cut off from a healthy part of the body and grafted on the affected part.For this surgery,only two layers of skin are removed,because these have greater capacity of cell division at the new places.
These days the facilities of plastic surgery are available in government hospitals and private clinics of all the big cities.Hundreds of operations are performed every day in these clinics for enhancement of beauty alone.


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