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Sunday 30 December 2012

Do ants also have their kingdoms?

    Do you know that the ants have their own world?-they also have cities and live in groups like us. They also have kings and queens and servant ants for doing various jobs. They have armies which are capable of facing the biggest of the big animals.

    More than two thousand kinds of ants have been studied so far. The biggest ant is found in Africa. It is three inches in length. Ants live in groups. Their groups are both large and small. These groups are found everywhere.
    Every class of ants has a separate army which attacks the ants of other classes. Strong ants drive out the weak ants from their holes and capture them. They even capture their eggs and when ants come out from these eggs, they use them as their slaves. Millions and millions of ants of one category live like one country. They have a king and a queen and various other functionaries. The king looks after the administration, while the queen takes various types of work from the slave ants. The slave ants are engaged in service for their whole life time. The male and the female ants contract marriage also. The farmer ant manages food for other ants.
    Some classes of ants are very cruel. There is a class of ants found in central Africa, south America and south Asia, which is non-vegetarian. These ants come out in groups of millions in search of their prey and if some animal falls in their trap, they eat away all the flesh of that animal.


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