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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Why can't animals talk like us?

    In many stories,it is told that animals can also talk like us.But they do not talk like us.Amongst all the living beings,man is the only creature who can communicate with one another with the help of words.Even though,it is a fact that animals do not talk with one another with help of words.Even though,it is a fact that animals do not talk with one another like us,yet they also express their happiness, sorrow, fear etc.
with the help of certain gestures and sounds. you might have seen that when a cat passea by a group of birds,all the birds start chirping very loudly in apeculiar way. They actually express their fear of being caught by the cat.Similarly,the dog expresses its anger by barking and flattery by wagging its tail.The moneky also demonstrates its anger by making peculiar sounds.
    Do you know why animals cannot talk like us?This is because the brain of animal is less developed in comparison to the human beings.It is a fact that feelings are generated in the animals-but they lack words to bring them out So they are incapable of expressing their feeling in some language.They do it by some gestures and sounds.These feeling clearly bring out their love ,affection,anger,hostility etc .They have their own language of expresssing their hunger,thirst or protective needs.Even through they may not utter a sound,they continue uninterrupted communication between themselves.
    It may be pointed out here than ever today,we do not use language for saying everything.Instead ofsaying 'yes' or 'no' on many occasions,we shake our head or signal with hand to communicate our approval or disapproval.We can conclude that due to lesser development to their brain in comparision to ours, animals have not been able to develop words and language to express their feelings Hence they can't talk like us.


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