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Wednesday 13 March 2013

How is silicon useful to us?

Silicon is a non-metallic element. It is not found in nature in a pure form. Pure silicon is a hard, deep black or brown coloured material. It shines like metals, and is crystalline in nature. At Ordinary temperature it does not react with other elements, but at higher temperature it makes compounds with other elements.
The earth's crust has 28% silicon whereas china clay contains 50% silicon. It is also found in rocks, sands, water, bones, etc. Sand has a large quantity of silicon.
Silicon is extracted from the compound silicon dioxide. When silicon dioxide is heated in an electric furnace, oxygen is removed and silicon is seperated from silicon dioxide.
Most of silicon is found in e form of silica which is another name of silicon dioxide. It is a compound of silicon and oxygen. Quartz, jasper, milky stone and sand-all are different forms of silica. Silicate is another compound of silica. Mica and asbestos are found in the form of silicates.
Silicates are very useful to us. They are used in making many kinds of glasses, enamels, china clay, etc. Sodium silicate is used in the making of soaps, prevention of the rotting of wood and eggs and in dyeing. It is also used for smoothening and for making artificial rubber.
Silicon in its pure form is used in photocells, transistors and othert electronic parts. A compound of silicon and carbon called silicon carbide or carborundum is used for polishing metals. By mixing silicon in steel, its utility is enhanced. Silicon is also used for making semiconductors which have proved very useful in our life. Silicon mixed with sand and earth is used for making bricks.


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