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Friday 15 March 2013

How was the needle invented?

Needle is a tiny thing, but is really very useful. Had there been no needle, we would never have got our clothes stitched. It has been serving the mankind for thepast thousands of years. The excellently stitched clothes you see today speak of the marvel of the needle. Not only this, millions of people earn their livelihood in the world with the help of the needle.

We do not have definite information regarding the invention of the needle. But this much is certain that in the early stages when man had started covering his body with barks and hides, he would have felt the necessity of the needle to stitch them. And naturally he would have made some needle-like thing to do this job. In ancient times, needles were made from bones, ivory, wood, bronze and thorns. These needles were very ugly and had no holes at the end. For several hundred years man used needles made from bones. These were provided with holes at one end.
Chinese were first to manufacture steel needles. From China these needles reached Europe. This way production of steel needles was started in Nuremberg (Germany) in the fourteenth century. During the reign of Elizabeth I, a person named Elias Grouse of Germany taught the making of needles to the people of England. Now needles are manufactured in every country of the world. England and France stand first and second in the manufacturing of the needles respectively. Even though the needle is a very small thing and machines are used in its production, yet the needle passes through the hands of twenty people during the production stages.
On the 20th March 1971, a girl studentof Wistershire (England) established a world record of inserting thread in the hole of an extremely small needle 3795 times in two hours. The record is still unsurpassed.


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