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Saturday 16 March 2013

Do giants live on earth?

In many parts of Europe and Asia, there are legends of the existence of giants in ancient times. We also read many stories in magazines and newspapers about demons and giants. After reading these stories, one feels that giants exist in some parts of the world. Since many races of pygmies are found on earth,
it is logical to think that there may be races of giants on the earth as well. In fact, giants have existed in myths and story books only. There is no scientific evidence that such people ever actually existed.
Enough variations are noticed in the heights of human beings of the world. Most of the people are of normal heights but the people of some races, such as Eskimos, Lapps and certain Indian tribes in South America, are dwarfs. Some of the native tribes of eastern Africa, have an average height of 2 metres. But they cannot be treated as demons or giants.
In fact, we all know of giants who appear in circuses and side shows. How did they get to be so tall? They are usually the persons suffering from abnormalities. Thy become abnormally tall due to the excess formation of hormones by pituitary gland. The pituitary gland regulates growth. Sometimes, it developes a tumor which makes the gland larger. This larger gland then begins to produce large quantity of hormones. One of these hormones is the growth hormone, which has an effect on the size of the organs and the skeleton of the body.
When excess of this hormone is produced body keeps on growing. In such a case, the height of the individual may go up to 2 1/2 metres. This condition is known as giantism.


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