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Friday 15 March 2013

What is malaria and how it spreads?

All of us are familiar with malaria. More than two million people of the world die of this disease every year. This disease is found in all the countries of the world, but is more common in Central and South America, Far East Asia, Central Africa, countries around the Mediterranean Sea, hot belt areas and places situated on the seashores.
Previously it was believed tht malaria is caused by a poisonous gas produced in dark and damp places. The word 'malaria' is derived from an Italian word meaning 'foul air'. It was Sir Ronald Ross who for the first time in 1902 conclusively proved that malaria is caused by mosquitoes. He was awarded Nobel Prize for this discovery.
Scientific experiments have proved that malaria is caused by a parasite known as Plasmodium. the parasites of malaria are carried by the female anopheles mosquito in its belly which is connected with salivary gland. When the female anopheles mosquito bites some healthy peson, the parsites of malaria enter his blood alongwith the saliva. These parasites attack the red blood corpuscles and destroy them. As a result man gets shivering and high fever. These are the main symptoms of malaria. If not properly treated, red blood corpuscles become scarce and there is obstruction in the veins of the brain. Thus patient can die.
Malaria can be easily treated now. When somebody suffers from malaria, he is given chloroquin tablets. Doctors advise primaquin tablets also for protection from malaria attacks.
Health experts are of the opinion that malaria will be eradicated from this earth one day. They say that in order to stop this disease, it is essential to eliminate anopheles mosquitoes. To fulfil this aim, health organisations from all over the world and governments of many countries have made joint programmes. Under this programme the following advice has been offered to prevent occurrence of malaria.
To prevent malaria, DDT insecticides should be sprayed to destroy the anopheles mosquitoes. Accumulation of water should be prevented so that mosquitoes may not breed there. Mosquito nets should be used while sleeping in the night. At the time of sleeping, the exposed part of the body should be massaged with mustard oil. Kerosene oil should be sprayed over stagnant pools of water. Flit should be sprayed in dark spots of the house. This is the way to stop the transmission of malaria parasites from persons suffering from this disease to healthy persons via mosquitoes.


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