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Monday 11 March 2013

When were the advertisements started?

Advertisement have become a part of our lives. Thousands of goods are advertised through the media like radio, television and the press. They help to popularise the products among the consumers and buyers and give a boost to sales.

Today, in all the countries of the world, there are advertising agencies which advertise goods in many attractive ways. Besides increasing the sale of goods, advertisements are also used to make the public vigilant. Moreover, by keeping certain legal checks on advertisements, the tendency to cheat and indulge in malpractices can be curbed to some extent. In many countries, private or social service organisations issue advertisements informing the people about prevention or check of fire, rehabilitation of the handicapped, the traffic rules and control of crimes etc.
Do you know how did they start? From ancient times when man started trade, he adopted methods to convey to his customers his goods' qualities. In the beginning, the traders used to attract customers by shouting the specialities of the goods. After some time, traders and manufacturers started using walls for this purpose. In the year 1450, when printing was started, the trader's task in this regard became easy. In 1460, William Caxton, for the first time, published an advertisement of a religious book. And with the start of newspapers there came a revolution in the world of advertisements.
Now, not only traders but also politicians, social workers, publishers and government agencies use advertisements to convey their message to the public. In the world billions of rupees are spent every year on advertisements. In 1968, the United States of America alone had spent 1800 million dollars on advertising. Similarly, West Germany had spent 400 million dollars, Japan 150 million dollars, Britain 120 million dollars and France and Canada 100 million dollars each.
Today, the number of advertisements is so large that people are unable to give more attention to them. As a result of tremendous competition among manufacturers the advertisements contain various types of assurances and offers of gifts. In India, advertisement on radio started with the Vividh Bharati Vigyapan Seva (Vividh Bharati Advertisement Service) on November 15, 1967. On television this service was started on January 4, 1976. Today advertisement is regarded not only an art, but also a science. Keeping in view the tastes and habits of the customers, various kinds of advertisement are prepared so that more and more customers are attracted towards them.


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